Vitax Lawn Clear 250ml
Fast acting and powerful, Lawn Clear Concentrate controls hardy, difficult to treat weeds such as dandelions, daisies, buttercups and clover.
Kills even deep roots, it comes in an economical, concentrated formulation.
Lawn Clear Concentrate:
- Kills weeds, not the grass
- Has a fast acting, systemic action which kills even the deepest of roots
- Contains clopyralid, 2,4D and MCPA.
A soluble concentrate, Lawn Clear Concentrate is a selective weedkiller for many broad-leaved weeds in lawns.
Requires one application per year between April and October when the soil is moist and weeds are leafy and actively growing.
Lawn Clear Concentrate kills weeds that are present at the time of treatment, but does not prevent weeds from germinating.
Do not mow for three days before and three days after treatment to allow full uptake and movement within the weeds. Do not use on lawns less than a year old.
Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
This product is only available to those who live within WD, HA, HP, AL, UB, SL, EN, NW, N, SW, TW, KT, MK, LU, SG, RM, IG, E, SE, DA, BR, CR, SM postcodes. Click HERE to view our postcode zones and pricing